Online Counseling
California Relationship Center is offering individual and couple’s couseling by Skype and FaceTime to you. It’s part of our continuing commitment to you our clients. If you have an internet dsl connection, you can use this service.
The advantages of FaceTime and Skype include:
- Savings of Time and Go Green: no need to leave your home or office. Save driving to and from your sessions.
- Save Money: if you have children, you can schedule your session at a time when your children are sleeping or participating in an activity so you save on sitter fees.
- Flexibility: appointment times may be available at a wider range of times then in-office sessions, depending upon the time zone you live in.
- Confidentiality: no need to sit in a waiting room with other people before your session begins. Outside experts tell us that video calls are confidential. If someone tries to intercept the video call, the data stream is ended.
- Choice: Any one of our highly qualified clinicians are available.
For more information or to signup for Skype or FaceTime counseling, please call 530-889-0178, text us or email us for more information, to make an appointment or for a free twenty minute consultation.